Local Pulse

The Middleborough Community Preservation Committee wants to hear what you think!

Please tell us your priorities for how to use our town’s Community Preservation Act fund at a public hearing: 7 p.m., Wednesday, July 17, Select Board room in the Town Hall.

Click here for a link to our five-year Community Preservation Plan, which explains more about how the fund works and how it has been used so far. After this year we will be revising our plan, and we’d like to hear what you think:

  • Do you agree with the priorities in our current plan?
  • Which projects have you most appreciated and think best help preserve our community?
  • What else would you like to see?

Each year our town’s CPA fund collects about $500,000 from local property taxes and state matching funds. The fund can be used only on projects in four categories: open space, recreation, historic preservation, and community housing. Projects must have a public benefit and must be brought to the CPC by an applicant/project manager. The deadline for our simple Step One application to begin the annual grant process is September 15.

Even if you can’t come, we’d like to hear your thoughts. You can email us at this address: CPCChair@middleboroughma.gov.Please forward this invite to any Middleborough residents, leaders, and people who serve on organizations with you who might be interested.

We look forward to hearing from you,
Kimberly French, Chair
Middleborough Community Preservation Committee