Advertising Opportunity

Advertise Directly through Cranberry Country Chamber of Commerce through Website or E-Newsletter or through our printed Directory!

Join your fellow Chamber Members in Reaching Out to Thousands Who Receive and Use our Directory Every Day!

Each year we print a new Directory;   Laurie LeBlanc of Chamber Publishing Group in Salem, MA will contact you in the fall regarding ad sponsorship for the next year’s directory. 

Annually, 1,000 copies of the The Cranberry Country Chamber of Commerce Directory are ordered.  It is available digitally on the Chamber website. Once printed, a directory is provided to all members and is given out at every major Chamber and Business After Hours events.  In addition, it is distributed to prospective members as well as visitors to the Chamber region. 

It is a benefit of membership to be listed twice in the directory, alphabetically and categorically.  It is a marketing opportunity to be front and center to 3,000 pairs of eyes. 

We hope you will consider sponsoring the Directory.  All checks should be made directly to Chamber Publishing Group at 7 Lynde Street, Salem, MA 01970.  If you have not yet heard from her and would like to reach out to Laurie directly, she can be contacted at   

Thank you for your continued support of the Cranberry Country Chamber of Commerce!