What YOU get as a Member!

The Cranberry Country Chamber of Commerce uniquely offer our members free advertising on a regular basis. Any promotion or event if sent to our “info@cranberrycountry.org” email will be sent out to the membership and local business database of 1,900 for free. We believe that we should help our members grow…that is our mission! Our chamber appreciates sponsorship support and encourages involvement in our chamber activities. Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Instagram (crancountry)!

1. Annual Meeting: This event allows for sponsorship by our members and the availability of exhibiting at the event. We offer a variety of sponsorship levels to our member companies allowing them advertising space in the program, at the event and on our website and newsletter. We host a keynote speaker who provides an entertaining and informative speech about current topics.

2. Elements for Excellence Women’s Conference is held each year. We offer a variety of sponsorship levels to our member companies allowing them advertising space in the program, at the event and on our website and newsletter. The event provides for several speakers addressing topics pertinent to women working and balancing family.

3. Golf Open – Held in the summer, this tournament benefits the Chamber and with our annual scholarship gifts. We award three $1,000 scholarships to area deserving graduating seniors in the communities that the Chamber represents: Middleboro, Lakeville, Carver, Rochester, Wareham, Raynham, Halifax, Plympton, and Bridgewater. Our golf open is held at a local Golf Course. Like the other events, we offer a variety of sponsorship levels to our member companies allowing them advertising space in the program, at the event and on our website and newsletter. And, companies may sponsor a hole or challenge activity as well as donate gifts for our raffles.

4. Legislative Meetings – Each year we hold an event in the fall that addresses current legislative issues and concerns that may affect our community. State Representatives and Senators attend this on a panel with a keynote speaker addressing key issues affecting Massachusetts at that time.
5. Free Advertising/Announcements – Members are able to announce events or have their press releases shared via a weekly email and/or a monthly newsletter sent to over 1,900 once a month for free.
6. Directory / Website presence – Members names and addresses are listed in our hard copy Directory that is updated and reprinted each year. They are listed twice in the directory by name and by category. They also have the option to advertise (for a fee) in the directory…for example in a quarter page ad, half page, etc. All members are also listed on our website by name and by category. All sponsors of our various events are given advertising for one – three months depending on the sponsorship level.

7. Monthly Networking events – Members are encouraged to host a business after hours pr Coffee event for free. It is free to members to attend giving them a chance to visit a member business location to learn more about their organization and to network with other chamber businesses sharing business cards and what their services or products are to help our business community.

8. Attend a networking event! Most of our networking events are free (with exception of few, such as a sunset cruise, etc.). Join other Chamber members and network once a month. This is your opportunity to gain a new client, customer, or contact. We have Business After Hours, Collaborating over Coffee for free; our lunches are for a fee once a month but it is a great way to networking and enjoy a nice lunch at a local restaurant.

9. Speaker Series: We offer a monthly FREE speaker series with Rockland Trust providing learning and networking opportunities on a wide range of business and industry topics. This is an opportunity to learn and network with like minded business people on a variety of specific topics.
10. Other events we offer to our members: Lunches at local restaurants to network, New member Receptions, speakers at Chamber office.
11. Use of our Conference Room to members for seminars, training, etc. It is free to members if the program is offered at no charge.

12. Our Legislative Committee is aligned with local Chambers through SEMAC: The Cranberry Country Chamber of Commerce, Bristol County Chamber of Commerce, Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber, Metro South Chamber, South Coast Chamber, Taunton Area Chamber, Tri-Town Chamber, and the United Regional Chamber of Commerce make up the “Southeastern Massachusetts Alliance of Chambers”.

13. We have the opportunity for our chamber members to advertise job openings through our Career website.

14. Sponsorship opportunities on website or e-newsletter.

What are you waiting for? Join the Chamber today!

Already a member? Join us at an event!